Work Made Easy through


Employees, and humans in general act upon things when they can relate to it, not otherwise.

Ease of Use

Even if they can relate to it, things get done when the effort required is relatively less in given options.

People always gravitate towards the easy way of doing things, if a choice exists. The way to deliver a smooth workplace experience journey is to focus on making work easier. Employees find touch-points in workplace experience journeys only a) when they can relate to it and b) when there is ‘ease of use’; it takes less effort.


The Book

Work Made Easy is a book co-authored by Parthajeet Sarma, John Hoffmire and Raj Krishnamurthy. The book addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by the hybrid work model, the rapid advancement of AI, and the enduring impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on workplace dynamics. The book offers practical advice for organizational leaders, workplace enhancement consultants, and employees alike, focusing on seamless navigation of the hybrid world, embracing AI as a collaborative tool, and personalizing the workplace experience. 

Parthajeet Sarma

Mumbai-based Parthajeet is a Chevening scholar (University of Oxford) and a workplace experience designer focused on workplace strategy and change management, following data-driven approaches.




John Hoffmire

Oxford-based John is chairman of Cadence Innova, a change management consulting firm based in London. Before teaching at University of Oxford and becoming Chairman of Oxford Pharmaceuticals, John had a twenty- year career in equity investing, venture capital, consulting and investment banking.


Raj Krishnamurthy

London-based Raj is the founder and CEO of Freespace, one of the fastest growing workplace technology solutions providers. He balances his passion for technology with creating value-based solutions that sustain for the long term. He is an expert in user-centric thinking solutions and systems.


Author Speak

The authors speak about their experience of writing Work Made Easy.

Introduction to EasyWork

3d book display image of Work Made Easy

Out Now. In Bookstores and on Amazon.

The one and only book, co-authored by Parthajeet Sarma, John Hoffmire and Raj Krishnamurthy that delves into the need for making work easy, and lays down a 5-step methodology for effecting that in organizations.

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